Pet Microchipping
Keep your pet safe and increase the chances of a happy reunion with our pet microchipping services.

Pet Microchipping in Baton Rouge, LA
Microchipping is relatively painless, non-invasive, and inexpensive.
A tiny chip is inserted with a needle between the shoulder blades. The chip is encased in a non-toxic capsule; it is harmless and will feel like a normal injection if your pet feels any discomfort at all. Once injected, we will register your pet with the microchipping company, all you have to do is update the company if any change to your personal information occurs.
If your pet is found, the registered chip has a unique number that can be read with a special scanner. All your pet’s rescuer has to do is bring them to a participating veterinarian or animal shelter.
Talk to your O’Neal Lane Pet Hospital veterinarian about microchipping your pet.